This is my personal thoughts of the fighting game Skullgirls and thus, everything is purely subjective.
I wasn't a fan of fighting games when I bought this game, Game: Skullgirls
but since the game advertised that this is a game made Platform: PS3, X360, PC (Steam)
for both newcomers and veteran fighters, I gave it a go. (PC version played)
Developer: Lab Zero Games
MSRP: $14.99
The story. I don't want to spoil you guys, so read at your own risk.
The game is set in a fictional kingdom called Canopy Kingdom, and to be more specific, the city of New Meridian. The main artifact of the game is the Skull Heart, which grants a woman's wish every 7 years. If the wish is impure, she would become the oh-so-called Skullgirl.
The story is split into eight (plus 1) stories, each for every character. The story is, in general, considered non-canon by Lab Zero devs although they do have plans to do a canon story.
I really like the art style and animation. Considering that it's hand drawn with over 1600 frames for a single character, it's really expressive. It's vibrant, beautiful, and well done. Also, the battle backgrounds are really well detailed.
The characters. In the vanilla game, there are only 8 playable characters. These are:
- Cerebella
- Double
- Filia
- Ms. Fortune
- Painwheel
- Parasoul
- Peacock (My favorite)
- and Valentine.
- Squigly (Also my favorite)
- Big Band
- Eliza
- Beowulf
- Robo-Fortune
Honestly, I'm a total noob at fighting games considering that I never played one before. So all I pretty much do was to mash buttons in frustration. Yeah, right. But I did went to the tutorials, which is helpful and interactive, something that a new fighting game player would appreciate. I never did any multiplayer because I knew I was a noob. At fighting games.
Nonetheless I'm trying to start practicing with fighting games, because honestly, fighting games has a rather steep learning curve.
But don't get me wrong though; it's a great game; with great story to talk about; and great art style. I'm frankly more interested in characters and story than the game in general, but one thing for sure: It's a great fighting game for both beginners (Thanks tutorials) like me and veteran players as well.
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